Editor by profession, musicologist by training - both by passion. KTR 2019 Award winner for “THE LAB” campaign. He made over 350 commercials and more than 100 music videos. Kuba likes to play with various creative techniques to achieve best solution. His musical sensitivity and attention to detail makes him truly flexible editor.
His portfolio includes campaigns for clients like Nike, Samsung, Skoda, H&M, McDonalds, Puma, Mastercard, Nokia, PKO, Play, Plus to name a few.
Kuba also worked on videoclips for most recognized Polish musicians and bands, eg.: Brodka, PRO8L3M, Bass Astral, The Dumplings, Schafter and Kamp! („Melt” music video is one of Vimeo Staff Picks).
Recently Kuba worked on documentary “Radio Siriri” which premiered in 2019.